Business Consulting

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Atal Realty is doing Real estate services for many customers to turn fixed assets into dynamic assets


Business Consulting

Atal Realty EMEA Business Consulting offers key backing over various differing business issues, including area and works power examination, work environment methodology, change and program administration, property system and displaying, M&A, outsourcing, and corporate land useful incredibleness.

We adjust property to your business objectives and goals; we verbalize the estimation of property, to make an impetus for authoritative change.

Atal Realty underpins occupiers, financial specialists and designers over people in general and private division in all benefits classes. You might consider:

  • Relocation, consolidation, space utilization: convey elective working environment methodologies to build space use and adaptability, decrease costs, bolster income advancement and actualize shrewd work environment techniques and inventive answers for adjust property to business objectives.
  • Location strategy: large scale and small scale monetary effects of the area; including work costs, working security, sway on store network and motivating force help.
  • Portfolio optimization: portfolio examination in accordance with business destinations and development methodologies, distinguish reasonable scoring and weighting criteria. Audit outsourcing open doors, recognize properties for transfer, justify portfolio to accomplish ideal cost effectiveness and profitability.
  • Functional excellence: improve corporate land esteem through creating fitting controls and procedures to bolster a more productive and compelling administration operation.

How We Can Help

Location and labor force analysis

Atal Realty recognizes the right area, in the right market. Our area and work power philosophy empower you to assess all parts of area deliberately, inside a vigorous review and administration process.

Our refined examination instruments incorporate financial and demographic figure demonstrating to bolster basic leadership including work and other operational expenses.

Workplace strategy and change management

Atal Realty underpins you to upgrade hierarchical adequacy, dexterity, and marking by utilizing the property as an impetus for change.

We help you outline effective work environments that mirror your image, pull in the best ability, empower discussion, create thoughts and ideas crosswise over groups, capacities, and different associations.

Property strategy and modeling

Atal Realty helps you see how your business drivers, property needs, and cost efficiencies associate inside your portfolio. Whether you are supporting business development or conveying main concern reserve funds, we furnish you with integrated property and operational information to analyze the open doors and dangers inside your portfolio.

Business strategy, M&A, outsourcing

Atal Realty gives vital property counsel that backings and empowers development and union amid M&A forms.

Atal Realty gives M&A business system and outsourcing administrations to help with the due steadiness of advantages' liabilities, open doors and dangers preceding exchanges.

Functional excellence

The world is always showing signs of change and turning out to be more focused and quick moving. Corporate Real Estate Functions need to react in like manner and build up their capacity progressively. This implies understanding the center business, the business sector, and its drivers and goes about as an inward specialist to decide how property can increase the value of the corporate technique.

Our advisors have bolstered worldwide and national land capacities address all or a portion of the constituent in-house ability that is required to deal with this, including:

  • governance and association with center business
  • organizational structure
  • competence structure
  • performance administration
  • culture
  • process administration and re-designing
  • management data stage
  • supply chain

Atal Realty can give ability appraisals, benchmarking, particular consultancy mastery in any of the above regions, or break administration at any level to guarantee that your operation is high performing and perceived for useful fabulousness.

Adding Value – The Advantages Of Our Approach

Atal Realty applies advanced logical instruments and a bespoke way to deal with actualizing inventive arrangements. Our methodology helps business administrators, financial specialists and engineers react proactively to market changes, maintain a rivalry, increment productivity, enhance proficiency and lessen expenses of business and property operations by being dexterous, proactive and vital in the way authoritative assets are utilized.

The property procedures that we create can change organizations and make critical separated worth, which is reflected in the income salary and consumption profiles, operational quality, improvement and venture capability of properties.