EMEA Corporate Finance

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Atal Realty is doing Real estate services for many customers to turn fixed assets into dynamic assets

Capital Markets


Our broad comprehension of how back is connected into land is reflected in the coordination of Corporate Finance into our Capital Markets business, giving money related consultative and execution administrations to financial specialists, occupiers and asset supervisors.

Our capable people originate from keeping money, bookkeeping, store administration and land foundations and prompt customers on incorporated land and corporate account arrangements.

Atal Realty works with all major worldwide land markets and their members, be they occupiers, supporters or financial specialists/wellsprings of capital. We guarantee that arrangements are customized to winning land and capital markets conditions.

How we can help?

Debt Advisory

We prompt on credit organizing, start, rebuilding and re-financing arrangements over the capital stack. We keep up solid associations with numerous Indian and European loan specialists and have the information and capacity to structure and organize the ideal obligation bundle.

Equity Advisory

We exhort reserve supports on the organizing and dispatch of assets and joint-wanders and likewise prompt financial specialists considering speculations into these aggregate venture plans.

Occupier Solutions

We encourage occupiers on to adjust their land advantages to their corporate technique. Exhorting on exchanges including deal and leasebacks, regearing and rebuilding of leases and rent obligation portfolio exchanges. We precisely evaluate every customer's individual conditions and the suggestions to their cost base, money related proclamations, charge effectiveness, and monetary agreement.

Loan Portfolio Services

We exhort banks, nonbank moneylenders, and legacy substances and also best speculators and managing an account controller on the valuation, deal and procurement of advances and credit portfolios.

Adding Value – The Advantages of Our Approach

  • We join the most recent business sector insight, current assessment, rising patterns and future gauges to build up a groundbreaking execution procedure
  • Our comprehension of the whole capital stock empowers us to assess all financing and deal alternatives and tweak the offering to streamline terms
  • Through our worldwide system, we increase direct access to key financing, value and deal accomplices for our customers right over the globe